Efficient monitoring and reporting on non-instrumental equipment.
Ensure consistency and best practice are applied across the plant by every operator.
Opralog integrates seamlessly with plant historians such as OSIsoft PI, Wonderware and IP.21.
Ensure compliance and accountability — Task management and audit tracking ensures transparency on every task.
Reduction in error-prone paperwork.
Improved Incident Avoidance — Data is instantly visible and quickly acted upon.
Plant status reporting
Make plant data available anywhere and everywhere - web, cloud, phone, tablet.
Combining process data from the plant with human input will provide a clear picture of plant status.
Opralog is an advanced tool designed to save time preparing and reporting on operational activities.
The system allows you to store any number of logbooks in one central database.
Opralog is used to capture manually and automatically logged operational data such as control room logs, shift handover logs and multi-discipline operational logs etc.
It ensures visibility of data which helps in sharing operational knowledge during shifts and in the handover process between shifts.
Opralog allows you to bring together operator observations and knowledge with plant and process data to provide an integrated overview of the operation.
This interface capability allows Opralog to become the central repository for plant logs and handovers and provides a platform to allow enterprise operational management reporting.

The formula for success. Infotechnics can transform your operations making them more streamlined, more strategic and save you time across the field.